About Me

  • Hello, My name is Adil khan and I enjoyed to creating websites that live on the internet.

  • Quick learner and an aspiring full-stack web developer with core knowledge of MERN stack technology.

  • Full Stack Developer with hands on experience in building React Apps. Works efficiently both in frontend as well as backend and is proficient in Data Structure and Algorithms with good problem solving skills.

  • I built 4 major projects. Learned a great deal about teamwork, leadership, and communication. After months of rigorous training, here I am looking for an opportunity as a full Stack web Developer.

My Projects

AJIO Clone

AJIO is India's fastest growing direct to consumer E-commerce platform.
Develop along with a team of five members in one week.
My task in this collaboration work is to create all Product pages and filtered the products and sorting on price as per our needs


Amazon Clone

Amazon is India's fastest growing direct to consumer E-commerce platform Develop along with a team of five members in one week
My task in this collaboration work is to create Navbar & Sidebar & Cart Page, in which we can add multiple products.

TECH STACK : HTML, CSS, NODEJS, JavaScript, and Json-server

Frank Body Clone

Frank Body is India's fast growing direct to consumer E-commerce platform Develop along with a team of three members in 5 - days.
My task in this collaboration work is to create Payment & Cart Page, in which we can add multiple products and increase and decrease the quantity of the product and price will reflect.

TECH STACK : REACT, Redux, CSS, JavaScript, and Json-server

My Portfolio

This is my portfolio which I recently made using HTML and CSS.
This website has all the details related to me, Scrolling functionality etc. Individual Project | Duration: 03 Days

TECH STACK : HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Technical Skills






Chakra UI



Mongo db

Post Man

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Designed and build by ❤️Adil khan, 2022 All right reserved.